Monday, May 25, 2015

Comcast Trying to Take Over Time Warner Cable

Here’s a communication I received about Net Neutrality and wanted to pass it on to all interested internet users.

Dear Wilfred,

Comcast is trying to take over Time Warner Cable, a gigantic mega-merger that will put one of the most hated corporations in America in control of 75% of the Internet market.1

If you think your Internet is too expensive and has lousy customer service now, you ain’t seen nothing yet.

A company this large will have enormous political power to undermine Net Neutrality and control what content you can access online. But regulators have the power to block it—if there’s enough of a public outcry.

That’s where we come in. We’re doing everything we can to stop this merger dead in its tracks. Will you chip in $5?

Yes, I’ll chip in $5 to stop the Comcast-Time Warner takeover.

Comcast has been repeatedly voted one of the worst corporations in America.2

In consumer surveys, Internet providers get the lowest ratings of any industry—worse than airlines, fast-food chains, and insurance companies.3And Comcast is rated the worst of the worst.

If Comcast is allowed to take over Time Warner Cable, tens of millions of people all over the country will have no choice whatsoever in their Internet or cable provider.

Can you say monopoly?

We showed in the fight for Net Neutrality that we can use the organizing power of the Internet to beat Comcast. Now we need to do it again.

Will you chip in $5 to help stop the Comcast-Time Warner takeover?

Yes, I’ll chip in $5.


–Demand Progress



1. The Stock Market Is on Edge About a Cable Merger, The New York Times, November 8, 2014

2. Congratulations To Comcast, Your 2014 Worst Company In America!, Consumerist, April 8, 2014

3. 2015 Temkin Experience Ratings: March 2015, Temkin Group, accessed March 20, 2015

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Comcast Trying to Take Over Time Warner Cable

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