Monday, November 3, 2014

Is Primal the Way to Go??

WOW…so much reading…so many contradictory views, opinions and “facts”. It’s hard to believe that mainstream thinking can be so diametrically opposite from what appears to be the ways of our distant ancestors.

How is it that the organizations we depend on to provide us with information to help us stay healthy and manage our medical treatment and care can make claims unsubstantiated by any scientific facts (or even contradicted by facts)? And even worse, how is it we allow it to happen?

What I know is I have begun to transition into this new primal lifestyle and can say, very subjectively, that I have already begun to sense positive changes in my own health. Are these changes real? lasting? I don’t know. I do know that standard practices and advice have yet to produce the same results—even using all the modern medications my doctors insist are just what I need to survive to a ripe old age.

“Live Long—Drop Dead”

I will be following these changes carefully and reporting the results as I can confirm each one. I will be posting recipes I find intriguing, tasty and capable of replacing my current favorites—and hopefully adjusting some of those favorites to fit into this new regimen. As a long-time Type II diabetic I sure hope that this primal lifestyle is indeed the way to go!

WordPress Tags: Primal,opinions,information,treatment,transition,lifestyle,health,advice,medications,recipes,favorites,regimen,Type II

Is Primal the Way to Go??

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