Monday, November 24, 2014

Paleo/Primal Lifestyle Journey

A paleolithic lifestyle (also known as paleo or primal lifestyle) refers to living as humans presumably did in the paleolithic era (Old Stone Age), or attempting to recreate such a lifestyle in the present day. The rationale for such an approach is that humans have evolved for millions of years in a paleolithic environment. Therefore, their body and mind can be expected to be adequately adapted to the concomitant hunter-gatherer lifestyle.

~From Wikipedia - The Free Encyclopedia

Agriculture, on the other hand, only appeared about 10 000 years ago at the beginning of the neolithic era, and industrial society only about 200 years ago. Proponents of a paleolithic lifestyle assert that insufficient time has passed for humans to adapt to the changes brought by farming and industrialization, leading to a misfit between modern lifestyle and the human genome.

The Hungry Wolf  is a journal of my experiences while implementing the paleo/primal lifestyle guidelines in my own life. I am a Type II diabetic and am actively looking for a lifestyle change that makes sense, is easy to follow and not overly restrictive, and most importantly, helps me control my disease.

GROK - The Paleo/Primal Lifestyle icon


I love food, and I will pass on recipes I discover as I travel this road. Any interesting notes and information I learn and think can be helpful to others will appear from time to time as well.

Paleo/Primal Lifestyle Journey

Monday, November 17, 2014

Primal/Paleo Brownies

Trying the Paleo or Primal lifestyle? Craving for a decadent dessert? Try out these brownies to help you stay on the Paleo track!


Monday, November 10, 2014

Some Thoughts as I Go Primal/Paleo

sheesh…is that good English?! I hardly think so, but it’s how I see things lately. Changing over to the primal/paleo lifestyle is going to be a long process, weaning off all those “wonderful” foods I had learned to love over the last 6 decades. I’m trying all kinds of new things and am surprising even myself with how good these items taste—not to mention how much better I feel.

To keep my taste buds truly satisfied, I have started using a clone of Emeril’s EssenceLOTS!  It adds so much great zing to my food…well…BAM! (Sorry…couldn’t resist!) Check it out in the recipe section.

I have also been trying my hand at almond milk and a DIY V8 juice. The results have been fabulous! One tip for others trying to find a better, more economical way to strain pulp without the expense of a nut milk bag—go to Wal-Mart and buy a pack of flour sack towels. They are about $ 5.00 for 5 towels, not to mention they are sturdy AND reusable!!

UPDATE: Shortly after posting this, one of my chores was to make my current supply of “V8″ juice. I used the flour sack towel placed inside a sieve to strain my juice. The resulting juice was almost entirely pulp-free. (More information and the recipe is to follow.) This was a good to confirm because now there is no need to augment my Ninja® Mega Kitchen System with a juicer. The blender handled everything, even the ice, without a hitch. But, hey, if you like pulp in your juice there’s no need to strain a thing.

Some Thoughts as I Go Primal/Paleo

Monday, November 3, 2014

Is Primal the Way to Go??

WOW…so much reading…so many contradictory views, opinions and “facts”. It’s hard to believe that mainstream thinking can be so diametrically opposite from what appears to be the ways of our distant ancestors.

How is it that the organizations we depend on to provide us with information to help us stay healthy and manage our medical treatment and care can make claims unsubstantiated by any scientific facts (or even contradicted by facts)? And even worse, how is it we allow it to happen?

What I know is I have begun to transition into this new primal lifestyle and can say, very subjectively, that I have already begun to sense positive changes in my own health. Are these changes real? lasting? I don’t know. I do know that standard practices and advice have yet to produce the same results—even using all the modern medications my doctors insist are just what I need to survive to a ripe old age.

“Live Long—Drop Dead”

I will be following these changes carefully and reporting the results as I can confirm each one. I will be posting recipes I find intriguing, tasty and capable of replacing my current favorites—and hopefully adjusting some of those favorites to fit into this new regimen. As a long-time Type II diabetic I sure hope that this primal lifestyle is indeed the way to go!

WordPress Tags: Primal,opinions,information,treatment,transition,lifestyle,health,advice,medications,recipes,favorites,regimen,Type II

Is Primal the Way to Go??