Monday, April 27, 2015

Homemade Ketchup

There’s no need to give up ketchup if you can opt for this homemade (but delicious) 5-minute variety. You control all the elements of this ketchup, from the sweetness to the sodium levels. It’s so easy—there’s no reason not to have the perfect ketchup for your family—something that’s difficult to accomplish with store-bought.



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    Want a low-sodium variety? Reduce the salt to your taste.


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    Homemade Ketchup

Monday, April 20, 2015

Monday: New York Stands Up for Net Neutrality!


An open email to all New Yorkers-

[1]Save the Date: New York Speaks on Net Neutrality and Comcast

Question: Where’s FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler?

Answer: Who knows?

Here’s what we do know: Thousands of people like you have urged him to host public hearings in your communities on Net Neutrality and the proposed Comcast-Time Warner Cable merger.

And Demand Progress and our coalition partners have sent formal invitations, issued requests via the press and at rallies, and teamed up with other public interest organizations to push Wheeler to meet with you.

The response? Nothing. But that’s not going to stop us.

While we hope Wheeler and his colleagues will show up, we’re holding our own event in Brooklyn with or without them.

[2]Speak Out With Us in Brooklyn on Mon., Oct. 27.

Here are the details:

What: New York Speaks: A Hearing on Our Rights to Connect and Communicate
When: Mon., Oct. 27, from 6-8 p.m.
Where: Dweck Center, Brooklyn Central Library, 10 Grand Army Plaza
Who: We’re partnering with our allies at Common Cause, Consumers Union, Daily Kos, Free Press and the Media Action Grassroots Network to host this event.

RSVP: [3]Sign up here

Bring: Your message for Wheeler on a big, bold sign.

While the chairman hasn’t responded to our invitations, he has had time to attend gatherings our Net Neutrality opponents have planned.

Millions of people have spoken out to save Net Neutrality and stop Comcast. Obama has expressed his own support for the open Internet—multiple times.

While we don’t know where Wheeler is, one thing is clear: He’s ignoring the public he’s supposed to serve and the president who appointed him.

[4]Join us in Brooklyn to speak out.

Hope to see you there.

-Demand Progress

P.S. Help us spread the word by forwarding this message to your friends and family.


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Paid for by Demand Progress ([1] and not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee. Contributions are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes.

One last thing—Demand Progress’s small, dedicated, under-paid staff relies on the generosity of members like you to support our work. [2]Will you click here to chip in $5 or $10? Or you can become a Demand Progress monthly sustainer [3]by clicking here. Thank you!


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Monday: New York Stands Up for Net Neutrality!

Monday, April 13, 2015

Homemade Mayonnaise

I like to divide this recipe in half so there’s not as much to use before it goes bad. It’s more difficult to make it in a blender, but I’ve found the immersion blender method  that follows works perfectly.



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    Loose your patience? Added the oil too fast? Don’t throw out that broken mess! Whisk together another egg yolk, and a little vinegar or lemon juice. Pour your broken mayo in slowly, and keep whisking away. That should bring it back together.

    Immersion Blender Method:

    Place ALL the ingredients, adding the oil last, in a tall, narrow container. Put an immersion blender all the way into the container and quickly pulse a couple of times to blend the egg and vinegar. Leave the blender on the bottom and let it run. The mayonnaise begins to form in swirls. When a good emulsion has started, SLOWLY raise the blender up through the oil and then continue to mix until all the oil is incorporated.

    Can keep it for about a week or so in the fridge. Raw egg is not recommended for infants, the elderly, pregnant women, and people with weakened immune systems. To avoid the risk of salmonella infection, you can use pasteurized egg yolk instead.

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    Homemade Mayonnaise

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Chia Gel

Make your smoothies and drinks thicker with a boost in their nutrient profile as well.

Chia seeds in your smoothies and drinks? Try using this gel to speed things up!

In white and black varieties, chia seeds are a nutrient powerhouse. Rich in protein, these tiny seeds deliver potassium, magnesium, calcium, and manganese.

Chia seeds are also one of the best plant sources of omega-3 fats and can contribute to your daily fiber needs in a big way. Their ability to absorb liquid is what thickens the drink, but don’t use more than the recommended amount—your drink will turn into a gel!



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    Use a tablespoon or two of gel to thicken drinks to your desired consistency.

    Can substitute things such as coconut water for the water. Just be aware that the final flavor of the recipe you use this in may be affected.

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    Chia Gel

Monday, April 6, 2015

Paleo Coconut Butter Balls Dipped In Dark Chocolate

⇒ Paleo Coconut Butter Balls Dipped In Dark Chocolate.

OMG! How good are these? Remind me of very similar candies my grandmother made and passed around as Christmas gifts when I was young. The more I read, the more I realize Primal/Paleo eating can be just as satisfying as my old Standard American Diet…more so if you consider the health benefits.

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Paleo Coconut Butter Balls Dipped In Dark Chocolate