Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Military Disaster—How Close Are We?

Does the general public have any idea how close we are to a military disaster? The Obama administration has announced the dismissal of 500 U.S. Army majors. They have been dismantling the armed forces as fast as the public will tolerate. But I ask, how can that be? The public has just not been kept informed of all the cuts.

Some of the latest actions include:

  • massive cuts in the defense budget

  • unilateral reductions in the U. S. nuclear arsenal

  • softening sanctions against Iran’s nuclear weapons development

  • ignoring North Korea’s deployment plans for nuclear ICBMs

  • no appropriate response to China’s aggressions towards our allies

  • alienating regional allies, e. g. Israel

  • failure to develop an adequate anti-missile shield

  • turning a blind eye to growing foreign military growth in Latin America
As the supposed “rulers” of this country, we should ask where all the media attention is that should be focused on these military affairs and our government’s response to them. Instead, we are asked to believe that a major war is not possible. Yet nothing seems to be preventing Russia from invading other countries. Nothing deters them from assisting others in shooting down a civilian airliner.

And what about China? They have taken control over large areas of the seas. They have increased espionage in the U. S., and built up their nuclear and military strength at an alarming rate.

We are supposed to believe that drones are the answer. Save our Troops! Take out a few targets and it’s all under control. It’s worked well against Islamic extremists…NOT! They are stronger now than ever. No one thinks twice about executing U. S. citizens. Why not? Maybe they know nothing will be done against them.

We are getting closer and closer to a threat that the U. S. will simply be unable to defend against, be it a force of arms, or some other terrorist action. Will we wake up in time? Not if current trends are any indication. Maybe the survivalist groups have it right after all.

WordPress Tags: Military Disaster, disaster, Obama,Obama administration, Army, military reductions, arsenal, Iran, North Korea, ICBMs, China, aggressions, Israel,missile,Latin America, media, government, Russia, civilian, areas, seas, espionage, troops, Islamic, extremists, citizens, threat, terrorist, action, trends, governments

Military Disaster—How Close Are We?

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