Monday, June 15, 2015

It’s Been THAT Long!?

I Just logged on after reading an email and could NOT believe the date of my last post! Where did time go? Reality has set in ad I’m so disappointed in myself…letting work, health, finances and a myriad of other life problems and obstacles keep from this endeavor for so long.

I have been hearing so much lately about a couple of lifestyle changes—the Paleo and Primal lifestyles. I’m wondering if there are any “practitioner’s” out there who would be willing to share their experiences and comments about this “movement”.

The idea of returning to a diet based on what our distant ancestors survived on in order to maintain a healthier existence is intriguing. At this stage in my life, it has become more and more apparent that I need to make some changes.

I would like to know if the real-life application of this lifestyle is more expensive than a normal lifestyle. Does it, in fact, result in a healthier life? Is this dependent on some type of hard-core physical training/exercise program? Is it something that can be accomplished no matter where one lives?

Now that I have my priorities rearranged, I hope to be more diligent in my posting habits. I the meantime, ENJOY LIFE.

WordPress Tags: health,lifestyle,Paleo,Primal

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It’s Been THAT Long!?